
DONE is a project of creation and thinking that aims to approach the image’s not-so-new ecosystem in the post digital technology and Internet era. This new edition, which is titled ‘Unsupervised Imaginations’, is focused on the intersection of the image and the processes, techniques and materialities of artificial intelligence.

The programme is based on the new stage of computational photography to cover the wide spectrum of questions that non-supervision by humans raises in the technologies involved in the circuit of vision, and invokes aesthetic, political and ethical questions.

In the current edition, the members of the curatorial team are Roc Herms, Martí Sánchez-Fibla, and Jara Rocha.

‘Unsupervised Imaginations’ offers, on the one hand, a series of round tables to discuss subjects, languages, tactics and procedures studied or executed by artistic agents, technoscientists and/or activists:

The Good Photography
Jorge Caballero, Anna Giralt Gris, Roc Herms, Vasily Zubarev
15 January, 7:00 pm

Technoecological response-abilities
Abelardo Gil-Fournier, Nicolas Malevé, Jara Rocha
6 February, 7:00 pm

Image, artificial intelligence and creativity
Joan Fontcuberta, Anna Ridler, Martí Sánchez-Fibla
17 February, 7:00 pm

On the other hand, the collective Estampa will carry out an experimental investigation in the framework of this edition titled ‘Content-Aware Fill (Terms and conditions 1)’.

The programme of this new edition is completed with ‘A day in your life – Narrative algorithms’, which is linked to our pedagogical profile project imagenred.org led by photographer Julián Barón, and will be announced in the second half of 2020.