75 Tbps of (✿◠ω◠) ︻╦╤─
75 Terabits per second of tender violence, a creative laboratory on the contemporary mutation of violence in online visual cultures, with Noura Tafeche (25 February - 18 March)
75 Tbps of (✿◠ω◠) ︻╦╤─ is a creative laboratory on the contemporary mutation of violence in online visual cultures, led by independent researcher and visual artist Noura Tafeche.
The overproduction of personal images, communicative militarism and the sexualization of propaganda are giving rise to a strange and elusive mix where tenderness and violence mingle and collide in disturbing ways.
Based on Noura Tafeche's ongoing research, this laboratory offers a combination of research methods and analysis for a practical experiment with a paradoxical futuristic design. The live observation of performative acts and visual styles in social networks is the first step of an investigation into an emerging ecosystem of images and sets the stage for the creative task that the participants of this workshop will undertake.
The 75 Tbps of (✿◠ω◠) ︻╦╤─ lab aims to equip participants with tools to:
● Explore extreme zones of contemporary visual cultures.
● Learn tactics for documenting ephemeral digital materials.
● Develop critical thinking about new forms of propaganda
● Use found materials for performance or speculative design.
The challenge (and game) of this lab is to create a series of visual objects (animations, digital objects, videos, sticker packs, makeup styles, filters, etc.) that can function as potential futuristic, controversial or even disturbing propaganda displays.
Profile of participants
The workshop is open to students, teachers, mixed teams of students and teachers, emerging artists, art collectives, cyber-flaneurs and other groups of people who join for the occasion. You can participate individually or as a team. No specific skills are required, but some familiarity with image creation (of any kind: 2D, 3D, audiovisual, high quality or low resolution, original or remix, etc.) will be useful.
Practical details
This laboratory takes place during four Fridays from February 25 to March 18 and starts and ends with face-to-face sessions at the Foto Colectania Foundation (Passeig Picasso, no. 14). The other sessions will be held online:
- Friday, February 25, from 16h to 20h, face-to-face at Foto Colectania (streaming optional): explanation of the work proposal, introduction of the existing archive, description of possible methods, exchange of ideas.
- Friday, March 4, online, from 17h to 19h (time to be confirmed with the participants): tutoring and sharing.
- Friday, March 11, online, from 17h to 19h (time to be confirmed with participants): tutoring and sharing.
- Optional session according to participants' availability: Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 March, in person at Foto Colectania or online (according to needs): sharing and preparation of the public presentation.
- Friday March 18 at 18h: public presentation during the DONE 6 days of the workshop results and projects.
Capacity: 8-10 participants (in order of registration)
Technical requirements: No specific skills are required, but a certain curiosity for contemporary visual cultures is indispensable. A computer or other portable device will be necessary for the face-to-face sessions.
Language: The main language of the workshop will be English, although complex languages will not be used and the organizers will translate if necessary.
Registration: Send an email to done@fotocolectania.org. Please indicate your name and surname (or a nickname if you don't want to use your name), email and a way to contact you quickly for unforeseen events (phone or chat), as well as the reason why you want to register for this workshop.
Registration deadline: February 24
Price: 20 € - Artists and students 10 € - Free for unemployed
Free for Friends and Benefactors of Foto Colectania, and for the students and teachers of our Escuelas Amigas: EASD | Escola Superior d'Art i Disseny Serra i Abella, F.D. Fotodesign School | Escuela de fotografía y estilismo de moda, Fundació Collserola, Grisart | Escuela Internacional de Fotografía de Barcelona, Idep | Escuela Superior de Imagen y Diseño, IEFC | Institut d'Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya, Instituto 8, LCI Barcelona, CITM - Centre de la Imatge i la Tecnologia Multimèdia.