
Jon Uriarte

Born in 1980 in Hondarribia (Gipuzkoa), he studied photography at the Institut d'Estudis Fotografics de Catalunya in Barcelona, ​​at the International Center of Photography in New York with a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and at the European University of Madrid & PHotoEspaña , where he completed a master's degree in Artistic Theories and Projects with a scholarship from the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. His personal work has been published in national and international media such as Spiegel, La Repubblica, El País or The New York Times Magazine. At the same time he has exhibited both in groups and alone at festivals such as Getxophoto, Sarajevo Winter Festival or PhotoEspaña and in art spaces such as La Casa Encendida in Madrid, the Koldo Mitxelena in San Sebastián, Studio 304 in New York, HBC in Berlin, the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid or the Sala d'Art Jove in Barcelona. He has given courses, talks and workshops in different schools and spaces dedicated to art such as the Center d'Art Santa Mónica in Barcelona, ​​the Carlos III University in Madrid or Arteleku in San Sebastián. He is part of the team of tutors for the Master of Base Project Development at LENS, teaches Contemporary History of Photography at EFTI and is the Projects teacher in the third year of the Photography Degree, in addition to directing the Advanced Photography postgraduate course at IDEP. He currently lives and works in Barcelona where he founded the Photobook Club Barcelona, ​​is part of the activity-generating and curating platform Widephoto and serves as artistic director of DONE, an initiative promoted by the Foto Colectania foundation around the impact that digital technology and the Internet they have in the photograph.