

Synthetic Methods

DONE 7 address the mutations of the image ecosystem due to the rise of new models of vision and creation. Following the speedy popularization of generative, automatic and anti-photographic representation systems, DONE aims to explore new hybrid methods of thought and intervention around the synthetic image and other semi-artificial landscapes.

DONE 7 proposes a program focused on the exchange of experiences and mutual learning. It runs from autumn 2023 to spring 2024 and is divided into three phases: introduction, game, laboratory.

Curator: Bani Brusadin

PHASE 1 | Introduction to Synthetic Methods

Foto Colectania
Thursday, November 30th, 2023 at 6 p.m.
Free Admission.

This first event within the new edition of DONE explores an apparently simple idea - what methods could be used to understand synthetic images, to live with them, to learn from them, to intervene in them, to reconstruct new epistemologies or evolve towards new ways of seeing?
The goal of this meeting is to explore methods for understanding and working with synthetic images generated by artificial intelligence and related technologies. The event will focus on the evolution of the image, from classic documentary photography to the image automatically generated by AI.
The event program includes conversations with experts who will present their artistic creations or aesthetic research related to synthetic images, as well as more experimental sessions in which local experts will share their concerns and experiences around possible "synthetic methods."

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PHASE 2 | Prompt Battle. Live event and talk by Sebastian Schmieg

Saturday, January 27th, 2024 at 7 p.m.
Tickets available

In this live event, participants will generate images by providing text instructions (prompts) to create stunning images by interacting with artificial intelligence algorithms. Audiences will have the opportunity to select the most surprising, disturbing or beautiful images.
This event invites to reflect on how AI technology is transforming image production and the way we visually perceive the world. The Prompt Battle is a format developed by Florian A. Schmidt and Sebastian Schmieg with a team of design students at HTW Dresden. After several episodes in different European cities, it will take place for the first time in Spain at the CCCB.
The event will be complemented by a talk by Sebastian Schmieg, one of the creators of the “Prompt Battles” about the evolution of the synthetic image.
This event is an initiative of Foto Colectania Foundation and CCCB, and is part of the exhibition AI: Artificial Intelligence.

More info here

PHASE 3 | Research projects

January - April 2024

The 7th edition of DONE is complemented by two creative projects exploring how creative methods document and investigate the world of contemporary synthetic images, focusing on topics such as the production of semi-artificial environments and new supply chains of visualities. The underlying premise is how to develop interdisciplinary methods to observe and understand changes in visual creation in an era in which traditional categories are challenged by technology and mediations, generating material that can be replicable in various contexts, including teaching, research and art.
The results of these projects will be presented in April 2024.

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